
智能化农业装备学报(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1): 28-35.DOI: 10.12398/j.issn.2096-7217.2021.01.004

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赵静娟1, 杨艳萍2, 郑怀国1, 董瑜1   

  1. 1.北京市农林科学院农业信息与经济研究所,北京市,100097;
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-20 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-11-30
  • 通讯作者: 杨艳萍,女,1982年生,广西桂林人,博士,研究员;研究方向为农业科技情报。E-mail: yangyp@mail.las.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:赵静娟,女,1982年生,山西晋城人,硕士,副研究员;研究方向为农业科技情报。E-mail: zjjaaa_zn@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Global agricultural robotics research and development: Trend forecasts*

Jingjuan Zhao1, Yanping Yang2, Huaiguo Zheng1, Yu Dong1   

  1. 1. Institute of Agricultural Information and Economics, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing, 100097, China;
    2. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
  • Received:2020-08-20 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-11-30
  • Contact: Yanping Yang, Doctor, Researcher, research direction: agricultural science and technology information. E-mail: yangyp@mail.las.ac.cn
  • About author:Jingjuan Zhao, Master, Associate Researcher, research direction: agricultural science and technology information. E-mail: zjjaaa_zn@163.com
  • Supported by:
    *Special Funds for Scientific Innovative Capability Establishment of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (KJCX20200203、KJCX20200202)

摘要: 农业机器人已被公认为农业领域最具潜力的新兴技术之一。掌握国际农业机器人研发趋势,分析技术热点,能够为制定我国农业机器人的战略或计划提供决策支持。本文综合应用专家咨询、定性调研以及定量分析等方法开展研究。通过回溯国内外农业机器人的发展历程,分析归纳出该领域的研究热点与前沿,包括机器视觉、定位与导航、采收机器人、渔业机器人和挤奶机器人等。并结合我国未来几年的战略需求和重点发展方向进行分析,提出机器人技术成熟度目前处于初级阶段,预计未来十年实现成熟应用、更多种类的农业机器人将实现商业化、农业机器人的发展将更具智能化、农业机器人未来有较大的市场潜力等趋势预判。针对我国未来在农业机器人的基础研究、技术研发和产业布局等方面的前沿规划提出加强前沿布局,提高农业装备制造水平、提高基础研究质量,重视相关专利布局、引导和加强企业在农业机器人产业创新中的作用等建议。

关键词: 农业机器人, 研发布局, 计量分析, 技术热点, 研究前沿, 趋势预判

Abstract: Agricultural robotics is widely acknowledged as one of the most promising emerging technologies in the agricultural sector. A profound knowledge of its research directions and new developments across the world, therefore, can be conducive to China's strategy and plan-making. This study is carried out through consultation with experts, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods. It first looks back upon the history and development of agricultural robotics both at home and abroad and singles out its cutting edge and key research, including machine vision, positioning and navigation, and robots used for harvesting and picking, fishing and milking. It then analyzes China's strategic needs and major development directions in agricultural robotics for years to come and argues that robot technology is now at its early stage of development. It also predicts that in the coming decade, this technology will be mature and more readily accessible; more and more types of agricultural robots will be commercialized; these robots will get smarter; and they will have great market potential. In the light of China's programme for basic research, technological research and development, and the industrial landscape of agricultural robots, this paper finally suggests that China further the industrial strategy, enhance the capability of agricultural equipment manufacturing, raise the quality of basic research, improve patent portfolio planning and drive industry innovation in agricultural robots with enterprises playing a bigger role.

Key words: agriculture robots, R & D layout, econometric analysis, technical hotspots, research frontier, trend forecast
