智能化农业装备学报(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 24-38.DOI: 10.12398/j.issn.2096-7217.2024.04.002
吴敏,女,1982年生,辽宁沈阳人,博士,副教授;研究方向为植物蛋白、农产品加工。E-mail: minwu@cau.edu.cn
徐辉煌,男,1998年生,河南驻马店人,博士研究生;研究方向为花类中药材加工。E-mail: xhhhenan@163.com
XU Huihuang1,2(), WU Min1,2(
), WANG Menglu1,2
WU Min
外观品质是评价干燥花质量的重要指标。为了实现对干燥过程中菊花外观品质的快速无损检测,本研究将计算机视觉技术应用于菊花的红外辅助热风干燥过程中,基于Python语言开发了一种图像处理算法来获取在不同温度下(35 ℃,50 ℃和65 ℃)的干燥过程中菊花花瓣和花蕊表面收缩率和色泽参数的变化信息,并作为外观品质的评价指标,以此实现对干燥过程的精准控制。干燥动力学研究表明:菊花的干燥过程中始终处于降速干燥阶段,且干燥温度的升高导致了干燥时间的显著(p<0.05)缩短和干燥速率的显著升高。基于平方确定系数(R2)、残差平方和(RSS)、均方误差(MSE)值评估了常用的薄层干燥数学模型与试验数据的拟合程度,发现Henderson and Pabis模型、Page模型、Lewis模型与试验数据拟合度更高,能更好地描述菊花的干燥过程。此外,基于图像处理获取的不同干燥阶段菊花的表面收缩率及亮度值(L*)、红/绿值(a*)和黄/蓝值(b*)发现菊花形态和色泽的变化取决于干燥温度和干燥时间的共同作用,更低的干燥温度和更短的干燥时间更有利于抑制菊花在干燥过程的外观品质的劣变。进一步对零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型预测的收缩率和色泽(L*、a*和b*)值与试验数据进行线性回归分析,发现一阶分数模型能更为精准地预测菊花在干燥过程中收缩率以及色泽的变化规律。
徐辉煌, 吴敏, 王梦露. 基于图像处理的菊花收缩率及色泽变化研究[J]. 智能化农业装备学报(中英文), 2024, 5(4): 24-38.
XU Huihuang, WU Min, WANG Menglu. Study on the kinetics of shrinkage and color changes of chrysanthemum based on image processing[J]. Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization, 2024, 5(4): 24-38.
模型名称 | 表达式 |
Lewis model | MR=exp(-kt) |
Page model | MR=exp(-ktn ) |
Henderson and Pabis model | MR=aexp(-kt) |
Wang and Singh model | MR=1+at+bt2 |
表1 四种常用的农产品干燥模型
Table 1 Four commonly used mathematical models for drying agricultural products
模型名称 | 表达式 |
Lewis model | MR=exp(-kt) |
Page model | MR=exp(-ktn ) |
Henderson and Pabis model | MR=aexp(-kt) |
Wang and Singh model | MR=1+at+bt2 |
模型名称 | 干燥温度/℃ | 模型参数 | RSS | MSE | R2 |
Lewis MR=exp(-kt) | 35 | k=0.001 3 | 8.06×10-3 | 1.42×10-4 | 0.998 |
50 | k=0.007 3 | 1.30×10-2 | 7.23×10-4 | 0.992 7 | |
65 | k=0.012 7 | 3.33×10-3 | 2.78×10-4 | 0.997 1 | |
Page MR=exp(-ktn ) | 35 | k=0.001 5,n=0.972 2 | 7.00×10-3 | 1.25×10-4 | 0.998 2 |
50 | k=0.006 5,n=1.023 4 | 1.27×10-2 | 7.48×10-4 | 0.992 5 | |
65 | k=0.011 7,n=1.018 5 | 3.21×10-3 | 2.92×10-4 | 0.996 9 | |
Henderson and Pabis MR=aexp(-kt) | 35 | k=0.001 2,a=0.985 6 | 6.11×10-3 | 1.09×10-4 | 0.998 5 |
50 | k=0.007 6,a=1.029 1 | 1.11×10-2 | 6.52×10-4 | 0.993 4 | |
65 | k=0.012 7,a=1.002 5 | 3.32×10-3 | 3.02×10-4 | 0.996 8 | |
Wang and Singh MR=1+at+bt2 | 35 | a=-0.001 1,b=3.51×10-7 | 2.08×10-2 | 3.71×10-4 | 0.994 8 |
50 | a=-0.005 6,b=8.25×10-6 | 4.57×10-2 | 2.69×10-3 | 0.972 8 | |
65 | a=-0.009 5,b=2.33×10-5 | 2.07×10-2 | 1.88×10-3 | 0.980 1 |
表2 不同干燥温度的试验数据与数学模型拟合及相关性检验结果
Table 2 Experimental data of different drying temperatures and mathematical model fitting and correlation test results
模型名称 | 干燥温度/℃ | 模型参数 | RSS | MSE | R2 |
Lewis MR=exp(-kt) | 35 | k=0.001 3 | 8.06×10-3 | 1.42×10-4 | 0.998 |
50 | k=0.007 3 | 1.30×10-2 | 7.23×10-4 | 0.992 7 | |
65 | k=0.012 7 | 3.33×10-3 | 2.78×10-4 | 0.997 1 | |
Page MR=exp(-ktn ) | 35 | k=0.001 5,n=0.972 2 | 7.00×10-3 | 1.25×10-4 | 0.998 2 |
50 | k=0.006 5,n=1.023 4 | 1.27×10-2 | 7.48×10-4 | 0.992 5 | |
65 | k=0.011 7,n=1.018 5 | 3.21×10-3 | 2.92×10-4 | 0.996 9 | |
Henderson and Pabis MR=aexp(-kt) | 35 | k=0.001 2,a=0.985 6 | 6.11×10-3 | 1.09×10-4 | 0.998 5 |
50 | k=0.007 6,a=1.029 1 | 1.11×10-2 | 6.52×10-4 | 0.993 4 | |
65 | k=0.012 7,a=1.002 5 | 3.32×10-3 | 3.02×10-4 | 0.996 8 | |
Wang and Singh MR=1+at+bt2 | 35 | a=-0.001 1,b=3.51×10-7 | 2.08×10-2 | 3.71×10-4 | 0.994 8 |
50 | a=-0.005 6,b=8.25×10-6 | 4.57×10-2 | 2.69×10-3 | 0.972 8 | |
65 | a=-0.009 5,b=2.33×10-5 | 2.07×10-2 | 1.88×10-3 | 0.980 1 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | P0 | k | R2 |
35 | P=Po + kt | 0.07 | 0.000 3 | 0.937 5 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.10 | 0.028 9 | 0.868 9 | |
50 | P=Po + kt | 0.19 | 0.001 2 | 0.757 1 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.25 | 0.002 4 | 0.635 4 | |
65 | P=Po + kt | 0.17 | 0.001 7 | 0.772 5 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.21 | 0.003 7 | 0.754 5 |
表3 零阶、一阶模型与不同干燥温度下收缩率值的拟合结果
Table 3 Fitting of zero-order and first-order models to shrinkage rate values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | P0 | k | R2 |
35 | P=Po + kt | 0.07 | 0.000 3 | 0.937 5 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.10 | 0.028 9 | 0.868 9 | |
50 | P=Po + kt | 0.19 | 0.001 2 | 0.757 1 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.25 | 0.002 4 | 0.635 4 | |
65 | P=Po + kt | 0.17 | 0.001 7 | 0.772 5 |
P=Po exp (-kt) | 0.21 | 0.003 7 | 0.754 5 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | C=Co+kt | 58.31 | - | -0.000 8 | 0.91 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 58.31 | - | 0.000 01 | 0.909 9 | |
58.31 | 168.31 | 0.000 003 6 | 0.908 3 | ||
50 | C=Co+kt | 56.94 | - | -0.006 8 | 0.956 2 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 56.95 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.957 | |
54.41 | 49.62 | 0.001 1 | 0.957 7 | ||
65 | C=Co+kt | 57.05 | - | -0.015 3 | 0.880 4 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 57.07 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.885 7 | |
53.77 | 53.27 | 0.008 2 | 0.953 6 |
表4 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下L*值的拟合结果
Table 4 Fitting of zore-order, first-order and first-order fraction models to L* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | C=Co+kt | 58.31 | - | -0.000 8 | 0.91 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 58.31 | - | 0.000 01 | 0.909 9 | |
58.31 | 168.31 | 0.000 003 6 | 0.908 3 | ||
50 | C=Co+kt | 56.94 | - | -0.006 8 | 0.956 2 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 56.95 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.957 | |
54.41 | 49.62 | 0.001 1 | 0.957 7 | ||
65 | C=Co+kt | 57.05 | - | -0.015 3 | 0.880 4 |
C=Coexp(-kt) | 57.07 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.885 7 | |
53.77 | 53.27 | 0.008 2 | 0.953 6 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | -0.14 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.716 9 | |
-0.14 | - | 0.000 5 | 0.712 4 | ||
-0.14 | 0.89 | 0.000 1 | 0.711 8 | ||
50 | -0.17 | - | 0.000 6 | 0.957 8 | |
0.000 000 32 | - | -0.030 6 | 0.531 7 | ||
-0.16 | -0.65 | -0.001 | 0.952 7 | ||
65 | -0.01 | - | 0.001 6 | 0.910 1 | |
0.06 | - | -0.007 9 | 0.803 9 | ||
-0.01 | -61.24 | -0.000 03 | 0.901 |
表5 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下a*值的拟合结果
Table 5 Fitting of zero-order, first-order and first-order fraction models to a* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | -0.14 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.716 9 | |
-0.14 | - | 0.000 5 | 0.712 4 | ||
-0.14 | 0.89 | 0.000 1 | 0.711 8 | ||
50 | -0.17 | - | 0.000 6 | 0.957 8 | |
0.000 000 32 | - | -0.030 6 | 0.531 7 | ||
-0.16 | -0.65 | -0.001 | 0.952 7 | ||
65 | -0.01 | - | 0.001 6 | 0.910 1 | |
0.06 | - | -0.007 9 | 0.803 9 | ||
-0.01 | -61.24 | -0.000 03 | 0.901 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 2.40 | - | 0.001 2 | 0.936 5 | |
2.46 | - | -0.000 4 | 0.943 5 | ||
2.47 | 0.07 | -0.000 4 | 0.942 5 | ||
50 | 3.30 | - | 0.004 2 | 0.632 9 | |
3.39 | - | -0.000 9 | 0.585 6 | ||
2.32 | 4.61 | 0.014 4 | 0.989 2 | ||
65 | 3.84 | - | 0.009 7 | 0.699 | |
3.98 | - | -0.001 8 | 0.640 6 | ||
2.86 | 5.62 | 0.019 4 | 0.997 4 |
表6 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下b*值的拟合结果
Table 6 Fitting of zero-order, first-order and first-order fraction models to b* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 2.40 | - | 0.001 2 | 0.936 5 | |
2.46 | - | -0.000 4 | 0.943 5 | ||
2.47 | 0.07 | -0.000 4 | 0.942 5 | ||
50 | 3.30 | - | 0.004 2 | 0.632 9 | |
3.39 | - | -0.000 9 | 0.585 6 | ||
2.32 | 4.61 | 0.014 4 | 0.989 2 | ||
65 | 3.84 | - | 0.009 7 | 0.699 | |
3.98 | - | -0.001 8 | 0.640 6 | ||
2.86 | 5.62 | 0.019 4 | 0.997 4 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 36.63 | - | 0.005 | 0.974 7 | |
36.78 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.982 4 | ||
37.26 | 25.46 | 0.000 7 | 0.993 9 | ||
50 | 34.26 | - | 0.033 | 0.871 9 | |
35.01 | - | 0.001 3 | 0.913 2 | ||
37.19 | 21.40 | 0.006 2 | 0.983 | ||
65 | 35.29 | - | 0.059 9 | 0.834 1 | |
36.18 | - | 0.002 3 | 0.884 3 | ||
38.34 | 21.72 | 0.010 2 | 0.958 9 |
表7 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下L*值的拟合结果
Table 7 Fitting of zero-order, first-order and first-order fractional models to L* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 36.63 | - | 0.005 | 0.974 7 | |
36.78 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.982 4 | ||
37.26 | 25.46 | 0.000 7 | 0.993 9 | ||
50 | 34.26 | - | 0.033 | 0.871 9 | |
35.01 | - | 0.001 3 | 0.913 2 | ||
37.19 | 21.40 | 0.006 2 | 0.983 | ||
65 | 35.29 | - | 0.059 9 | 0.834 1 | |
36.18 | - | 0.002 3 | 0.884 3 | ||
38.34 | 21.72 | 0.010 2 | 0.958 9 |
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | -3.39 | - | 0.000 7 | 0.971 | |
-3.42 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.967 6 | ||
-3.39 | 149.03 | 0.000 004 4 | 0.970 4 | ||
50 | -3.43 | - | 0.012 4 | 0.935 6 | |
-4.23 | - | 0.009 | 0.808 7 | ||
5.03 | 3.61 | 0.002 8 | 0.961 9 | ||
65 | -3.44 | - | 0.021 3 | 0.866 5 | |
-4.26 | - | 0.014 9 | 0.783 1 | ||
4.74 | 2.87 | 0.005 8 | 0.906 4 |
表8 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下a*值的拟合结果
Table 8 Fitting of 0th-order, first-order and first-order fractional models to a* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度/℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | -3.39 | - | 0.000 7 | 0.971 | |
-3.42 | - | 0.000 2 | 0.967 6 | ||
-3.39 | 149.03 | 0.000 004 4 | 0.970 4 | ||
50 | -3.43 | - | 0.012 4 | 0.935 6 | |
-4.23 | - | 0.009 | 0.808 7 | ||
5.03 | 3.61 | 0.002 8 | 0.961 9 | ||
65 | -3.44 | - | 0.021 3 | 0.866 5 | |
-4.26 | - | 0.014 9 | 0.783 1 | ||
4.74 | 2.87 | 0.005 8 | 0.906 4 |
干燥温度 /℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 11.03 | - | -0.001 4 | 0.951 7 | |
11.07 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.958 3 | ||
8.38 | 8.09 | 0.000 8 | 0.970 5 | ||
50 | 10.55 | - | -0.016 1 | 0.897 7 | |
11.15 | - | 0.002 4 | 0.951 5 | ||
4.19 | 3.47 | 0.004 6 | 0.966 2 | ||
65 | 10.66 | - | 0.030 3 | 0.889 3 | |
11.37 | - | 0.004 5 | 0.942 9 | ||
3.87 | 2.21 | 0.006 5 | 0.943 5 |
表9 零阶、一阶和一阶分数模型与不同干燥温度下b*值的拟合结果
Table 9 Fitting of zero-order, first-order and first-order fractional models to b* values at different drying temperatures
干燥温度 /℃ | 模型 | C0 | Cf | k | R2 |
35 | 11.03 | - | -0.001 4 | 0.951 7 | |
11.07 | - | 0.000 1 | 0.958 3 | ||
8.38 | 8.09 | 0.000 8 | 0.970 5 | ||
50 | 10.55 | - | -0.016 1 | 0.897 7 | |
11.15 | - | 0.002 4 | 0.951 5 | ||
4.19 | 3.47 | 0.004 6 | 0.966 2 | ||
65 | 10.66 | - | 0.030 3 | 0.889 3 | |
11.37 | - | 0.004 5 | 0.942 9 | ||
3.87 | 2.21 | 0.006 5 | 0.943 5 |
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