Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1): 23-30.DOI: 10.12398/j.issn.2096-7217.2024.01.003
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QIU Shujin1(), ZHANG Qinghui1, YU Zehu1, LI Kai1, CUI Qingliang1, YUAN Xiangyang2(
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YUAN Xiangyang
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QIU Shujin, ZHANG Qinghui, YU Zehu, LI Kai, CUI Qingliang, YUAN Xiangyang. Analysis and research on influencing factors of mechanized harvest of sorghum[J]. Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization, 2024, 5(1): 23-30.
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Table 1 Main parameters of sorghum harvester
Table 2 Effect of maturity stage and mechanical harvesting rate on total los rate, impurity content and crushing rate of mechanical harvesting of sorghum
Table 3 Mechanical harvest effect of sorghum at different maturity stages
Table 4 Mechanical harvest effect of sorghum with different mechanical harvest rates
Table 5 Correlation between grain moisture content and sorghum mechanical harvest quality
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