
Peer Review

Peer review is the main step in appraising the academic quality and literature value of submitted manuscripts, and is also the most important step in the entire handling process. Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization adopts the international customary two-way anonymous review system to ensure objectivity and fairness in this step.

Review process:

(a)Preliminary review: All submitted manuscripts will be screened by using AMLC system of CNKI or WFSD-Journal article cooperation, text copy ratio should be smaller than 15%. If it is equal to or higher than 15%, it is considered as academic misconduct. For articles with academic misconduct, the editorial department implements strict rejection procedures;

(b)Review: The editorial department reviews the research direction and structural integrity of the manuscript;

(c)Peer review: All manuscripts are given to not less than two small peer reviewers to assess the scientific quality after the initial evaluation by the editorial department;

(d)Final review: The editor-in-chief ultimately decides whether the article can be published.

2021-04-04 | Visited: 523