
Copyright Transfer Agreement

Manuscript Title:

Author’s Name (in order)

Submitted Journal: Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization

In accordance with the “Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China”, all the authors (copyright owners) of the above thesis agree to publish the thesis in the “Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization”, and voluntarily transfer part of the copyright of the paper to the editorial department of “Journal of Chemical Agricultural Mechanization” (hereinafter referred to as the "Editorial Department”), and the relevant issues are clarified as follows:

1. The author(s) of the paper guarantees that the paper is an original work and does not involve issues such as confidentiality and multiple submissions of one manuscript. In case of infringement or leakage of secrets, all responsibilities shall be borne by the author(s) of the paper.

2. All authors agree that once the above-mentioned thesis is accepted, the author(s) will submit the entire thesis and the figures, tables, abstracts attached to the work, and enhanced publication content (such as detailed information on the research questions, research ideas, methods, processes, data, results of the paper, and theoretical derivation and experimental process, etc.) and other rights to reproduce and disseminate parts that can be extracted from the paper to Editorial Department, including but not limited to reproduction rights, distribution rights, information network dissemination rights, performance rights, translation rights, compilation rights, adaptation rights.

3. The author(s) of the thesis guarantees that the authorship of the thesis is not disputed. In case of a signature dispute, the responsibility rests with the author(s) of the paper.

4. The author(s) of the thesis shall not use or allow others to use the rights transferred in Article 2 of this agreement in any form, but the author himself/herself may quote part(s) of the content of the thesis in his/her subsequent works.

5. After the thesis is published, the author's remuneration (including the author's remuneration for the printed version and the electronic online version and other copyright royalties) will be paid in one lump sum by the Editorial Department, and no other remuneration will be paid in the future.

6. This agreement needs to be signed by all authors, and it will take effect from the date of signature. After the agreement is signed, the electronic version of the agreement must be uploaded to the submission system or sent the email to the email box of Editorial Department. The original agreement (2 copies) must be mailed to the Editorial Department for archiving. If the submitted thesis is not published in the end, this agreement will automatically become invalid.

Authorized Signature:


2021-04-04 | Visited: 529