

Special Issue: Key technologies and applications of unmanned intelligent farm
2022-12-21 | Views: 50

In 2021, China imported 164.539 million tons of grain, equivalent to 24 percent of the country's output, and the self-sufficiency rate of grain is about 80 percent, far lower than the country's set grain self-sufficiency rate of 95 percent. President Xi Jinping has made several important instructions on "Attaching the wings of science and technology to agriculture", "Storing grain in technology", and "Storing grain in the land". The report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC proposed to consolidate the foundation of food security in all aspects, firmly guard the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, strengthen support for agricultural science and technology and equipment, and ensure that the Chinese people's jobs are firmly in their own hands. With the development of industrialization and urbanization, Chinese agricultural production faces the severe challenge of labor shortage and aging. "Unmanned farm" is the important way to solve the problem of "Who farms the land" and "How to farm the land" in the future.

In order to speed up the unmanned operation of agricultural production and application of intelligent farms in our country, this issue plans to launch the special topic of "Key Technologies and Application of unmanned intelligent farms". Jin Chengqian, Director of the Research Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development and Intelligent Information, Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, is specially invited to serve as the editor of this subject. This paper is now open for contributions from experts, scholars, and researchers in related fields.

Scope of the call for papers (including but not limited to)

1. Automatic driving technologies of agricultural machinery in unstructured farm environment

2. Unmanned farm multi-source information perception and intelligence analysis

3. Intelligent decision-making and autonomous control technologies for precise operation of unmanned production

4. Dynamic task allocation and multi-machine cooperative control technologies of agricultural machinery

5. Autonomous decision-making technologies of agricultural machinery operation based on the integration of space, sky and earth

6. Unmanned farm intelligent cloud control systems

7. Unmanned farm big data analysis technologies and platforms

8. Analysis of unmanned farm operation and management modes and economic benefits

The papers submitted by you should be unpublished original research papers, in either Chinese or English, conforming to the scope of this topic, with clear viewpoints, detailed materials, correct data, reasonable argument and standardized format. The text should be refined and the content should be substantial. The paper should include title in both Chinese and English, author information, abstract, keywords, fund projects, text, references, editable charts and graphs, and should be submitted as a word document.

Topic Editor-in-Chief

 Chengqian Jin, researcher and doctoral supervisor, is the director of the Key Laboratory of Soybean Mechanization Production of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the director of the Mechanization Research Laboratory of the National Soybean Industry Technology System, the expert of the National Soybean and Oilseed Capacity Enhancement Project, the secretary-general of the Soybean Expert Group of the Main Crop Promotion Action of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, etc.

He was selected as a second-level talent of the "333 High-level Talent Training Project" of Jiangsu Province. He is mainly engaged in research and product development of mechanization and intelligent technologies for planting and harvesting of field crops. Over the past five years, he has presided over 15 national and provincial research projects, including the National Key Research and Development Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, has published 117 papers, including 42 EI/SCI papers, has been granted 51 invention patents, 44 software copyrights and 3 standards, and has received 4 provincial and ministerial awards.

Details of the call for papers

1. Paper Requirements

The original research paper is unpublished, in either English or Chinese, in accordance with the scope of the call for papers on this topic, with clear views, informative materials, correct data, reasonable argumentation, and standardized format. The text should be concise and full of content, including title, author information, abstract, keywords, fund items, text, references, and editable figures.

2. papers form

Research papers, reviews, etc.

3. Submission Website


4. Contact information

Landlines: +86-025-84346292

E-mail: jiam@caas.cn

5. Topic Editor

Lu Qiao , +86-15366092883

Bing Zhu , +86-15366092857

Deadline for submissions


Schedule Issue

No.3, 2023